26 February 2023

The Third Evolution: a summary

There is no doubt that a new evolution has appeared. It follows the first one (the Universe giving way to complex physics and chemistry in some parts of each galaxy) and the second one (DNA-based life on Earth). This Third Evolution is linked to mankind. There is no doubt that human beings are part of the DNA-based life too. And the Third Evolution is linked to the Universe.

So, what is it? We will now attempt to make sense of what is happening before our very eyes.

Some scientists have stated that cultural evolution should be considered the new evolution. Cavalli-Sforza and Feldman (Cultural Transmission and Evolution: A Quantitative Approach, 1981) are adamant that we must identify the means by which culture is transmitted: parents to children, friends to friends, institutions to individuals. Although it is very important, this notion may be too narrow and depends on different populations on Earth. Cultural evolution is not universal.

The meme paradigm has also been proposed (The Meme Machine, Susan Blackmore 1999). However, this theory failed to provide a universal model of a meme.

 We believe it is time to move beyond these theories and recognise that the Third Evolution is using mankind, but is not centred on it, in the same way as the Second Evolution uses genes, but genes are not the centre of it.

We will develop that idea in the coming posts.